Succeed In Both Work AND Life

Learn the strategies to become the man that WINS in your work & personal life.

Prioritize Your Faith

Maximize Your Performance

Gain Clarity On Your Purpose

After all of the hard work, sacrifice, and success, every high-achieving man, deserves to experience a fulfilling and meaningful life

But there’s a problem…

Listen, I understand…

I’ve been there. As a high achieving and driven sports medicine physician and business owner, several years ago I found myself outwardly successful, yet secretly stuck. I was extremely unfulfilled. I felt like…”How did I get here? It can’t be like this the rest of my life. Why do I feel so empty despite successfully achieving many of my career goals?” This lead to underperforming in multiple areas of my life (my faith, family, health, wealth, and career). I’d strayed far from God, making poor decisions in my professional and personal life, and I was falling significantly short of the Christian, husband, father, doctor, business owner, and man I aspired to be.

Thanks to God and the mentorship of some great men in my life I was able to go from stuck and unfulfilled to experiencing BOTH success at work AND fulfillment in life. As a result, I’ve discovered and pursued my purpose, become a best-selling author, national speaker, and started ELITE PerforMENce Coaching company. However, what I’m most grateful of is the close and consistent relationship I have with God, my family, and the fulfillment I’m blessed experience in my life.

There’s a proven plan to excel in both work and life and not only has it worked for me, but I’ve helped many other high-achieving men experience the same simultaneous success and fulfillment…and now it’s YOUR TURN!

Best selling author

as seen on:

Listen to what some of my clients are saying

I learned how to develop habits and achieve long lasting results. I have more mental clarity, focus, return of confidence and drive, which has translated into more leads and progress in my business. Dr. Brad’s coaching is a valued tool to help take you and your business to an elite level!
Dr. H
Board Certified Physiatrist & Physician Business Coach
YES! I would definitely recommend Dr. Brad’s coaching to another professional who is looking to increase their performance and fulfillment. Simply because he helps clarify your life ambition, purpose, and helps you create structure around them. His productivity strategies have helped my marriage and family significantly.
Charles B.
CFO of a healthcare company
I have that fire and passion back! Dr. Brad helped re-ignite a fire that was dimmed from my purpose! You can expect results! He’s going to motivate you and challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. Dr. Brad helped me increase my business revenue by 200% in 12 months!
Patrick J.
Elite Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Expert

The ELITE PerforMENce Plan To Succeed At Work & Life:

How to Get Started


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Learn the strategies to increase your performance and live a life of success & fulfilment

Amazon Best-Selling Book: ELITE: A Modern Success Guide To Purpose & Peak Performance

In this book you’ll learn:

Watch ‘ELITE PerforMENce with Dr. Brad’ every week LIVE on Facebook!

This is the livestream show where high-achieving men come to :

(1) Prioritize Their Faith, (2) Master Their Performance, (3) Gain Clarity On Their Purpose

So they can succeed in their work and personal lives!

This weekly livestream (soon to be podcast) show provides the perfect combination of faith-based and peak performance principles designed to equip high-achieving men with the clarity and strategies to succeed in both their work and personal fulfillment.  Interviews highlight other purpose-driven and high-achieving experts who share their stories, strategies, experience and expertise to help you succeed in both work and life.

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New Videos EVERY WEEK to help accelerate your performance and succeed in work and life

You’ll learn:

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**Disclaimer: Dr. Brad is looking for men who aspire to take their goals and life to the next level. He is looking for men who understand the power of coaching and collaboration with someone who can push them to achieve greater than they currently experience, and ultimately become the man they aspire to be. Dr. Brad’s purpose is to help men perform at their best so they can succeed in their work and life by breaking past the obstacles that are holding you back. Your goals CAN be achieved faster, with less mistakes, and bigger results, and coaching is your way to do that.

Please submit this form if you are ready to get closer to achieving the goals you desire and performing at a higher level!

(*Submission of this application is not an agreement or obligation to enrollment of services. Submission of this application will take you to a scheduling page to book 1:1 time with Dr. Brad.)

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